Build websites using Notion

Build websites using Notion

Host sites on custom domains, add your own styling, optimize for SEO and meta tags, and much more

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Host your Notion pages on custom domains

We get it, this is definitely the main reason you’d want to use us. Hosting Notion pages is easy enough, but there’s just something special about having the site under your own domain. Well don’t worry, because with us you can. And content will update seamlessly as well, don’t worry.

Add your own styling and theme to your webpage

Tired of Notion’s default style, but want to keep using it since it’s such a great content management system? Well, never fear, inject your own custom style to add some pizzaz to your site you otherwise couldn’t.

Tweak your urls and meta tags

Are you tired of Notion urls looking like alphabet soup?
why are you like this
why are you like this
Well don’t worry, cause with Commotion you can customize it so paths don’t look ugly.
so much better amiright
so much better amiright
Additionally, update the meta tags of the page like the title, description, and image, so embeds look great.
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Optimize your SEO

Notion by itself isn’t great for SEO because it requires javascript to load content (which web crawlers don’t like). Commotion, however, appeases the search engine gods. Peep out lighthouse score below 😏.
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